NWO Be Well Passport

Boozhoo and welcome to the NWO Be Well Passport. We acknowledge the land we stand on as within Treaty #3, Treaty #5, or Treaty #9, the traditional land of the Anishinaabe and Métis people. This is where we live, learn, work and grow. Acknowledging the traditional territories of our ancestors demonstrates respect for the original custodians of a region and serves to strengthen our relationships to one another and to the land. We can also find strength within ourselves when we stop to remember and appreciate the space around us and the courage of those who came before us. Miigwetch.

Mental Health Week ... May 13 - May 19, 2025

The Northwestern Ontario School Mental Health Team in partnership with Evolution Mining has put together a compilation of activities for individuals, families and educators to do during the months leading up to Mental Health Week.

This resource, the NWO Be Well Passport, takes participants on a wellness adventure within their communities, reminding them to consider a “whole person” perspective from the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework, which includes aspects of Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical wellness.

Participation is as easy as 1-2-3!


Take part in the Be Well Activities listed below and check off (”stamp”) everything you complete. Each activity is a “stop” on your journey to well-being!



As you complete each passport stop, send a photo of your participation to [email protected]. Each stop will enter you into a draw to win some amazing prizes!

Please include your name and which school board or community you belong to. Entries must be submitted by May 21, 2025.


Be sure to tag @NWOBEWELL and #NWOBEWELL to share the fun on social media!

Be Well Activities


to Spirit


to Emotions


to Mind


to Body

Northwestern Ontario

Ways to Be Well

Life Promotion Toolkit

Strengthening Our Connections to Promote Life: A Life Promotion Toolkit by Indigenous Youth is a youth-focused and youth-led response to suicide, mental wellness, and substance use in Indigenous communities. A life promotion lens was used in the creation of this guide.

Life Promotion Toolkit

Try some of these activities from the Life Promotion Tookit in your classroom as part of your #NWOBeWell journey:

Connection to Land

Connection to Self

Connection to Community

Connection to Spirituality

Maintaining Balance

The Ontario Native Education Counselling Association (ONECA) provides some wonderful activities that help to educate all of us on aspects of identity, culture and traditions that are important to Indigenous peoples. Try some of these activities in your classroom as part of your #NWOBeWell journey:

School Mental Health Ontario reminds us that practicing kindness and gratitude can help us feel happier, healthier and more productive. Kindness is contagious! It helps us create stronger relationships with ourselves and the people around us. For more information visit smho-smso.ca.

There are many different ways to be kind!

Be Kind to Self

Be Kind to Others

Be Kind to Nature

Be Kind to your Community